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reflection on the horizon

the drops set in like fire in the field
or in-between the trees
sweat trickles down your back
then up and down where your ribs lie
marrow like snow in the heat wave
blood like boiling pits of heaven
breathing smoke up in the tower
on the playground, swinging our legs
taking power fallen from grace
my heart stops for just the right amount
   of time
for you to speak
   and then we repeat
silently untying the noose
beautiful face illuminated by the night light
the cream white houses stretching far back
up and behind

on the beautiful hills just behind the town
where we used to skip through the water to get to the other side
i found three sheep laying on the ground
(just behind the fence)
and i told you your scars look kinda like mine

as the first rain began to drop
the skies opened up to scattered brains
of people we used to answer doors to every day

do you think we will be alright?

when the doubt stars creeping in i leap inside myself to scream
i run into the water

the spot you showed me then reminded me of home
not the one back there, with shut in curtains in summer
not even the one in the soothing cold wood

the place is more like a memory or a dream
that keeps repeating over and over again

i get what you mean

then i heard the same words
raining down from a human mouth

that was new, entirely new
and i found myself leaping through the gap again
by the creek next to the house with rabbits
that died soon after

i always knew the slaughter will be carried out by my own hand
and once i have spoken it out loud the water came gushing in
the reward from jumping through the swarm so high
so high up in the mountains
i never breathed so deeply before

and now i get what you mean and i get that it is meant
to be meant and meant to have meaning
what a wonderful idea
to live on the vibrant side of the stream forevermore

here, where the water runs deep and cold
in refreshing summer showers
i find the place i was shown back in the hills
when my back ached and i stayed only for a while

the inklings stopped
the vagueness of every single day
the muggy fog suffocating inside my skull
finally cleared

a mellow water
green pastures with bodies piled up
in heaps in ecstasy
now all i can do is settle for the better

waiting to be discovered,
this land is the land we always dwelled in
in our souls, heads
or whatever keeps us looking

on the beautiful hills rising up and up
where we reside