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pleasure surgery

a figure in white administers a
a careful incision
between the flesh and what
with seraphic decision
presides on the exterior

precision is key
when breaking the barrier
putting together pieces
of your remains
while blood pressure increases

what remains then
is not the self comprehended
reprimanded by false means
with good intentions
tensions of the body relieved
“ah yes, come on right in.
I will be with you in a second.”
the endurance of the ceaseless one
a failure on the part of the shell

how come glass breaks into pieces?
its abiding existence
reduced to dust
creases in my feeble cognition
shaking up the bliss
of recognition
and rust upon rust
on what we have built

speak to me now
drowning out actuality
to allow myself
to hear the beckoning
from the firmament structure,

unbeknownst brutality
they will not listen
when I say you
never wanted to bring me reckoning
only the tranquility

that does not cease to glisten